Release notes

This page lists highlights, bug fixes, and known issues for official Streamlit releases. If you're looking for information about nightly releases, beta features, or experimental features, see Try pre-release features.



To upgrade to the latest version of Streamlit, run:

pip install --upgrade streamlit

Release date: August 27, 2024


  • 📈 Streamlit natively supports more dataframe formats! Use dataframe and series objects from popular libraries like Dask, Modin, Numpy, pandas, Polars, PyArrow, Snowpark, Xarray, and more. Use database cursors compliant with the Python Database API Specification 2.0. Use anything that supports the Python dataframe interchange protocol. See the docs.

Notable Changes

  • ↔️ You can control the initial expansion state of st.json elements.
  • 🧑‍💻 You can choose to wrap lines in st.code.
  • 🕵️ Streamlit supports Kubernetes style secrets so you can use Snowflake Snowpark Container Services secret format (#9078).
  • ⤴️ Breaking change: We removed a patch that allows custom validators in pydantic<2.0 (#9257).
  • 💔 Breaking change: We removed the experimental cache replay feature from caching decorators (#9305).

Other Changes

  • 🌐 For better app efficiency, a WebSocket reconnect will not trigger a rerun unless a script run was interrupted (#9083).
  • 👋 We updated our streamlit hello app to use Google Material icons.
  • ⌨️ st.number_input, st.selectbox, st.slider, st.select_slider, and provide more precise type hinting for their return values (#9048, #9296, #8717). Thanks, Asaurus1!
  • ⭐ provides more precise type hinting for its return value (#9216). Thanks, wyattscarpenter!
  • 💅 We improved theme management for embedded apps via postMessage (#9103).
  • 🌱 Bug fix: Within the sidebar, the image for st.logo resizes along with the sidebar width (#9298, #8707).
  • 🪹 Bug fix: When a parent fragment updates, Streamlit cleans up child fragments correctly (#9246, #9233, #9267).
  • 💩 Bug fix: Elements unstale within a fragment rerun as they are updated instead of all together at the end of the fragment rerun (#9285).
  • 🪱 Bug fix: If a block type changes during a rerun, Streamlit discards the child elements of that block to prevent improper visual artifacts, like st.tabs causing a blank page (#9276, #9259, #8676).
  • ☠️ Bug fix: Widget state is preserved when page reruns are interrupted with another rerun (#9187, #9163). Thanks, dannyopts!
  • 👽 Bug fix: options in, and st.select_slider correctly use dict_items (#9241, #9237, #5377).
  • 👻 Bug fix: A SelectboxColumn index will show with the correct, grayed-out styling in a dataframe (#9231, #8772).
  • 🦀 Bug fix: st.write_stream will not immediately fail when receiving an empty chunk (#9234, #9227).
  • 🦋 Bug fix: Streamlit won't auto-scroll to an empty anchor, if present (#9206, #9203).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: We changed the handling of scriptRunId to prevent st.tabs from showing extra, empty tabs in fragments (#9186, #9158, #9215).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Automatically rerunning fragments don't raise FragmentStorageKeyError to prevent a possible race condition (#9183, #9080).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: We improved st.plotly_chart's handling of the pass-through keyword argument config (#9190, #9134).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Markdown in all label parameters correctly ignores headers (#9189, #9141).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: We reverted a change to fragments which caused some widgets to lose state in some circumstances (#9178, #9171).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: The deprecation warnings for st.experimental_fragment and st.experimental_dialog only show when the commands are called. This prevents custom components which use them from raising premature warnings on import (#9170, #9143).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: st.code shows syntax highlighting for diff code when language="diff" (#9172, #8687).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Streamlit commands that raise ScriptControlException execute as expected in try-except blocks (#9167, #9155, #9182).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: The value for st.date_input has the correct type for linting (#9149). Thanks, wyattscarpenter!
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: We updated plotly.js to support hoversubplots="axis" (#9144, #9118).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: We stabilized the identity of instances so the command doesn't create multiple maps when its parameters are updated (#9092, #8329).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: You can now clear the cache for cached class instance methods (#9101, #8638).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Copy buttons work correctly in dialogs (#9130, #9112).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Streamlit magic works consistently in for-else, while-else, try-else, try-except, and match blocks (#9110, #9109). Thanks, whitphx!
  • 🐛 Bug fix: When printing an app, the bottom container will always print at the end without overlapping other content (#9129).

Release date: July 25, 2024


  • 🍪 Introducing st.context to read headers and cookies!
  • ⭐ Introducing to collect ratings and sentiment from your users!
  • 👟 Announcing the general availability of st.fragment, a decorator that lets you rerun functions independently of the whole page.
  • 🍿 Announcing the general availability of st.dialog, a decorator that lets you create modal dialogs.

Notable Changes

  • ℹ️ You can use icons from the Material Symbols library in Markdown!
  • 📈 You can pass graphviz.Source objects to st.graphviz_chart.
  • 📊 You can modify the stacking behavior for st.bar_chart and st.area_chart.
  • 🔭 Within a fragment, you can scope st.rerun to the fragment.
  • 🪺 Streamlit supports nested fragments (#8931, #8635).
  • 📞 Fragments can be used in callback functions (#8916, #8591).

Other Changes

  • ⭕ Material Symbols are rounded instead of outlined (#8998).
  • 🔢 Streamlit supports Numpy version 2.0 (#8940).
  • 😄 We've updated emoji validation for new emojis (#8923).
  • 👻 We've removed several experimental commands with new, generally available versions (#8943).
  • ☠️ We've removed deprecated configuration options per their announced expiration date (#9005, #9013, #9018).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: Nested fragments rerun correctly when a child fragment precedes a widget in the parent fragment (#9114).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Streamlit validates file paths before performing additional checks when using static file serving for improved security (#8990).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: displays at the correct width inside st.expander (#9070, #8004).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Streamlit displays the correct (Windows) path for secrets.toml in an error message (#9061, #6147).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: st.switch_page correctly clears non-embed query parameters when the user switches pages (#9059, #9050).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Custom themes display correctly for multipage elements like st.page_link (#8994, #8978).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: st.snow and st.balloons don't show in prints (#9053, #7790).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: We've improved the default formatting for st.number_input (#9035, #7163).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: An st.navigation example was corrected (#9027, #9026). Thanks, mahotd!
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Dialogs no longer have a brief delay when closing (#9023, #8747).
  • 🦀 Bug fix: Streamlit correctly raises a KeyError when encountered in a fragment instead of a misleading, fragment-related error (#9011, #8494).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Streamlit doesn't clear MediaFileManager on fragment reruns to prevent invalid references (#9010, #8932).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Custom themes are correctly removed when deleted (#8989, #8962).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Streamlit supports non-unix style paths for correct multipage routing in Windows (#8988, #8958).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Using st.rerun in a fragment will not cause the app's main body content to render in the fragment in rare events (#8798).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: When an exception is raised within a fragment, Streamlit shows the error message within the fragment (#8868).

Release date: June 20, 2024


Notable Changes

  • 📊 st.bar_chart can render charts horizontally.
  • ℹ️ st.expander supports adding an icon next to its label.
  • 🏗️ st.columns lets you set vertical alignment.
  • 📲 Custom components support callback functions (#8633, #3977).
  • 📥 Fragments no longer support rendering widgets outside of their main body (#8756).
  • 🏷️ You can now customize axis labels for st.area_chart, st.bar_chart, st.line_chart, and st.scatter_chart.
  • ⌛ The caching parameter experimental_allow_widgets is deprecated (#8817).
  • ❌ Streamlit no longer supports legacy caching. st.cache is now an alias for st.cache_data and st.cache_resource (#8737).
  • ⬆️ Streamlit supports protobuf version 5 (#8627).

Other Changes

  • ✨ Streamlit Hello uses st.navigation and st.Page, the new, preferred method for declaring multipage apps (#8806).
  • 🧹 Streamlit no longer appends "· Streamlit" to the page title of apps, unless running on Community Cloud (#8900).
  • 🦋 Streamlit magic and st.write use st.json to display st.secrets (#8659, #2905).
  • 🔍 Streamlit doesn't automatically check for newer version on PyPi (#8841, #8453).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Custom component functions require importing streamlit.components.v1 (#8666, #8644).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Reverted change to handle Altairs resolve_scale method since it caused a regression (#8845, #8642).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Images in Markdown do not overflow the Markdown container (#8794).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: Clarified the error message for st.selectbox when index is larger than the size of options (#8775, #8771).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Streamlit correctly handles non-widget elements with IDs (#8770, #8768).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: Docstrings correctly identify when use_container_width=True is the default (#8809).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Streamlit has a consistent minimum element height for better vertical alignment (#8797, #8835, #8027, #8706).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: Added check to ensure SessionInfo is initialized before performing actions (#8779, #8321, #7549).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Dataframe use raw numbers without formatting by default (#8708, #8695).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Updated the error message for disallowed writes to Session State (#8720, #8715).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Streamlit doesn't initialize LocalSourcesWatcher if file watching is disabled (#8741, #8738).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: st.experimental_dialog no longer has an invalid default value for title (#8729).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Removed deprecated kwargs in ast.Call to prevent type error (#8711). Thanks, JelleZijlstra!
  • 🐛 Bug fix: st.experimental_dialog is explicitly exported to avoid a type checking error (#8728, #8712).

Release date: May 23, 2024


  • 📈 Announcing user selections for charts! Use st.plotly_chart, st.altair_chart, and st.vega_lite_chart to make chart widgets for even more interactive apps.
  • 🚣‍♂️ Announcing user selections for dataframes. Get row and column selections from users with st.dataframe.
  • 💼 Introducing st.logo to add an image in the sidebar, above navigation.

Notable Changes

  • 🔗 st.page_link supports Material icons (#8593).
  • ⚓ Anchor button for headers display inline at the end of headers for a more beautiful and consistent appearance (#8587).
  • 🈂️ SQLConnection accepts query as a sqlalchemy.URL.create parameter so you can specify character sets (#8581). Thanks, LucianLiu6!

Other Changes

  • 🕸️ Bug fix: A fallback method was added for CSV downloads to increase browser compatibility (#8452, #8210).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Column config is deep-copied when cloned to prevent unintentional modifications (#8677).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: st.data_editor renders correctly when using num_rows=dynamic with null values in added rows (#8640, #7458).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: streamlit run will display the localhost address when initializing Streamlit with server.headless=true (#8647, #8629).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: Scroll margin matches the new toolbar (app chrome) height (#8641, #8554).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Enum coercion is compatible with StrEnum (#8622, #8500). Thanks, 97k!
  • 🪳 Bug fix: Focus is returned to chat input after clicking submit for a better mobile experience (#8637).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Internal parameter and view names for Altair charts are stabilized for better performance (#8628).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Typing was improved for st.query_params.update() and st.query_params.from_dict() (#8614, #8613). Thanks, Asaurus1!
  • 🐝 Bug fix: The fullscreen button no longer appears for st.table to prevent unwanted side scrolling (#8621, #2358).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Streamlit correctly clears stale elements when using st.rerun (#8599, #8360).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Custom components can be executed standalone for testing and scripting (#8620, #8606).
  • 👻 Bug fix: Plotly charts no longer render cached data when updated (#8191, #5902)
  • 👽 Plotly chart widths will not overflow its parent container when rendered in a bordered container (#8191, #8244).
  • 🦀 Plotly charts using webgl render correctly on M1/M2 chipsets for macOS (#8191, #8169).
  • 🦋 Plotly charts are sized correctly when rendered vertically adjacent (#8191, #7597).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: Plotly charts retain their state when the app window is resized (#8191, #6324).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Plotly charts in st.tabs no longer flicker when changing tabs (#8191, #8575).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Plotly charts respect use_container_width if this parameter is changed between reruns (#8191, #8576).

Release date: May 2, 2024


  • 🍿 Introducing st.experimental_dialog! Create a modal overlay that can also rerun independently from the rest of your app. Check out the docs to learn how.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • 🔲 Streamlit supports Modin and Snowpark pandas DataFrames and Series (#8506).
  • ⏱️ Improved support for period data types in st.dataframe and st.data_editor (#7987).
  • 🗺️ Streamlit supports using pydeck-carto with st.pydeck_chart (#8422).
  • ❄️ Additional snowflake requirements were updated to allow Python versions 3.8 to 3.11 (#8538).
  • 🍞 st.toast received visual improvements and now appears in the top right (#8433).
  • 🦋 Visual tweaks for dialogs and modals.
  • 🦀 Bug fix: st.write_stream returns an empty string when passed a generator with no yield (#8560).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: Widgets that support None values can be correctly set to None through Session State (#8529, #7649).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: If the initial value for st.date_input is not set and today's date falls outside the declared minimum or maximum, then the minimum or maximum will be used instead, whichever is closer (#8519, #6167).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Altair's resolve_scale method is handled correctly (#8497, #1667).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: st.multiselects correctly handles sets when passed to options or default (#8471, #8466).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: st.status does not show the expander toggle when empty (#8369).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: The width of vconcat charts in Vega and Altair is set correctly (#8498, #2751).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: Apps print beautifully and no longer show excessive whitespace (#8502, #7815).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Invalid escape sequences were removed to avoid warnings from pytest (#8510, #8501).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: st.file_uploader callback is correctly executed once per file selection after the first selection (#8493, #4877).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Streamlit is compatible down to pillow version 7.1.0 instead of 9.1.0 (#8492, #8486).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Widget values are correctly dropped when a script run is interrupted by switching pages (#8425, #7338).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Apps in dark mode will return to dark mode after printing (#8469, #7879).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Component ready state is dynamic to avoid race conditions that caused blank apps in Safari (#8434, #8362).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.slider yields a Python error when min_value is less than or equal to max_value (#8413, #8342).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Time is offset correctly for Vega and Altair (#8278, #4342).

Release date: April 4, 2024


  • 👟 Introducing st.experimental_fragment to decorate functions and rerun them independently of the whole page. Check out the docs and give your apps a speed boost!
  • 🌐 Introducing st.html to insert custom HTML into your app! Check out the docs for how to use it.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • 🖱️Users can click on the widget label to focus on input for st.number_input, st.text_input, and st.text_area (#8155). Thanks, filiptammergard!
  • ⬆️ Streamlit supports packaging version 24.x (#8338, #8328).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Streamlit now watches for changes to imported modules in addition to pages (#8372). Thanks, zyxue!
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Overflowing toast messages are correctly truncated (#8337, #8330).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: st.status correctly updates to complete when using LangChain's StreamlitCallbackHandler (#8331).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Custom components no longer show white backgrounds in dark themes (#8242, #8156, #7813).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: Content area width is reduced when a fullscreen icon would otherwise cause horizontal overflow (#8279, #6990).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Custom components with undefined frame heights will render with a height of 0 (#8290, #8285).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: Restored a check for active sessions to prevent apps from needlessly running when no users are connected (#8294).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Custom themes have precedence over embedding options (#8021, #7118).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Reverted the async timer to expire session storage cache to address computational efficiency (#8281).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: When using st.popover with use_container_width=True, the popover container's minimum width will match the popover button (#8266, #8261).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Using st.rerun with a triggering widget in AppTest no longer creates an infinite loop (#8264, #7768).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: URLs are correctly decoded in LinkColumn if regex is used or if not using fully qualified URLs (#8258, #7064).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: st.query_params only sends one ForwardMsg when updating multiple parameters (#8205, #8199). Thanks, Asaurus1!

Release date: March 7, 2024


  • 🍿 Introducing st.popover to create popover elements in your Streamlit apps. Check out the docs to see how to use it!

Notable Changes

  • 📺 You can now pass subtitles to! Check out our feature demo.
  • ⚗️ AppTest includes support for st.expander and st.status.
  • 🧪 AppTest.from_function accepts a function that takes arguments and/or returns a value.
  • 🧩 The timeout warning for custom components was replaced with an element skeleton to improve the UX for slow-loading components, especially in some cloud-hosted platforms (#8179, #7046).
  • 📄 st.switch_page and st.page_link received significant improvements to path handling, performance, and visual appearance (see below for details).
  • 🦀 Bug fix: Streamlit uses glide-data-grid version 6.0.4 to fix a variety of dataframe issues (#7779, #6900, #7032, #7727, #6810, #7930, #7949, #7831, #8168).
  • 💦 Bug fix: We've plugged a significant memory leak in the coroutine loop. Apps that generate a large number of small messages between client and server will benefit greatly (#8068, #7989, #6510).

Other Changes

  • 💪 Multiple modules are now lazy-loaded to speed up Streamlit's import time (#8150, #8143, #8134, #8113, #8125, #8111, #8109, #6066).
  • 🖼️ st.write supports PIL images (#8039).
  • 🔗 allows markdown links within the items passed to options (#8028, #7992).
  • 💀 The deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse config option is deprecated and will be removed in the subsequent release (#8133).
  • 🤖 Streamlit supports AzureOpenAI chat stream (#8107, #8084).
  • 🌐 The /healthz endpoint supports the HTTP HEAD method (#8145, #8144). Thanks, rahulmistri1997!
  • 🌀 The cache parameter for st.spinner is now private (_cache) since it's for internal use (#8118).
  • 🏃 Session storage is checked and expired asynchronously to improve performance and efficiency of apps with lower traffic (#8083).
  • 🐜 st.write_stream raises a descriptive Exception when the message cannot be parsed (#8036).
  • 📘 Fixed a typo in the examples for st.switch_page and st.page_link (#8162). Thanks, t1emp0!
  • 👻 Bug fix: correctly displays conditional members (#8228).
  • 🦋 Bug fix: App State fully clears on page change to prevent lingering stale elements (#8208).
  • 🦎 Bug fix:, st.success, st.warning, and st.error don't overflow with long markdown strings (#8194, #6394).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Streamlit shows a warning that port 3000 is reserved for development when the server port is set to 3000 (#8152, #8149).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: st.page_link and st.switch_page have improved path calculation for consistency (#8127).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: st.page_link shows the correct path in browser on hover (#8086, #8080).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: st.page_link and st.switch_page normalize paths for correct handling in Windows (#8103, #8070).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Script runner uses a while loop instead of recursion to avoid stack overflows (#8100).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: st.page_link and st.switch_page correctly handle relative paths prefixed with "/" (#8085, #8081).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: st.image parses paths in Windows correctly (#8092, #7271, #6066).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: st.switch_page no longer waits for the current page to finish running before switching pages (#8054, #7954).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: and other simple charts correctly handle color when data is not indexed starting from 0 (#8158, #8079, #8077). Thanks, awhazell!
  • 🐞 Bug fix: st.selectbox, st.multiselect, st.select_slider, and use shallow copies of their options to prevent unexpected mutations (#8064, #7534).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: The selected time in st.time_input displays correctly in dark mode (#8056, #7436).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Dataframe scrollbars display correctly in the latest version of Chrome (#8034).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Casting st.query_params to str will print the content of the query parameters instead of the class description (#8030).

Release date: February 1, 2024

Release videos


  • 🔗 Introducing st.page_link! Now, you can build custom navigation menus for your multipage apps. Check out our docs to see how.
  • 💦 Announcing st.write_stream to conveniently handle generators and streamed responses. Check out our docs to see how making chat apps just got easier.

Notable Changes

  • 📝 st.chat_input can be used inline and placed anywhere in the app. You can also have multiple st.chat_input widgets on a page (#7896).

Other Changes

  • 🧹 Internal refactoring and cleanup (#7980). Thanks, whitphx!
  • ❄️ Bug fix: Snowpark is now an optional dependency for SnowflakeConnection (#7919).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: The watchdog suggestion is disabled when server.fileWatcherType is set to none or poll (#8024, #7999).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Required columns can be hidden when not using st.data_editor with dynamic rows (#7996, #7991).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: New period types are supported for pandas 2.2.0 (#7988).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Custom components receive only the app's origin and path to avoid reloading components when query parameters change (#7951, #7503). Thanks, eric-skydio!
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.progress won't raise an exception when given a value above 1.0 due to float precision (#7953, #5517). Thanks, notiona!
  • 📚 Streamlit supportsimportlib-metadata version 7 (#7925). Thanks, elgalu!
  • 🐛 Bug fix: AppTest correctly sees widgets inside containers (#7923, #7711).
  • 💿 Custom components no longer accumulate style elements when re-rendered for better performance (#7914). Thanks, Tom-Julux!

Release date: January 11, 2024

Release videos


  • 🔄 Announcing st.switch_page to programmatically switch pages in multipage apps! Check out our docs to learn about this highly anticipated feature!
  • ❓Introducing st.query_params to handle variables passed through your app's URL. Check out our docs to understand this feature and how it's been upgraded and improved from our experimental version!

Notable Changes

  • 📐 st.container can be configured with a height to create grids or scrolling containers (#7697, #2169, #2447).
  • 🔗 For dataframes, LinkColumn has a simplified UI and can be configured with display text, including programmatically defined text through regular expressions (#7784, #7741, #6787).
  • 🧭 Sidebar navigation for multipage apps can be hidden via configuration (#7852).
  • ⏩ Plotly figures can load even faster when used in combination with orjson (#7860). Thanks, eric-skydio!
  • ♻️ Behavior change: Query parameters are removed when changing pages (#7817#6725#5505).

Other Changes

  • 🛠️ showFooter is no longer an embed option since the footer no longer exists (#7902, #7785).
  • 🕵️ All security concerns should be reported through HackerOne (#7783).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Tabs are not disabled when stale to prevent flickering (#7905, #7820).
  • 🛡️ Bug fix: The full file path is used instead of a prefix to prevent custom components from reaching beyond their own folders (#7901).
  • 🪱 Bug fix: Widgets raise an exception if its values aren't Python comparable (#7840, #3714).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: The down-arrow icons on expanders maintain a consistent size (#7596). Thanks, matiboux!
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Tabs no longer flicker when switching between them (#7904).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Enter-to-submit is automatically disabled when the associated st.form_submit_button is disabled (#7827, #7822).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Required columns cannot be hidden with column configuration (#7888, #7559).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Using nan as a value in SelectboxColumn will raise an error instead of silently failing (#7887, #7558).
  • 🌙 Bug fix: Custom component iframes allow dark mode (#7821, #7813).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: The command to start Streamlit is not sent to the frontend (#7787).
  • 💅 Bug fix: The background color of st.toggle is enhanced for better visibility (#7788).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: Built-in charts can handle ordered categorical columns (#7771, #7776).

Release date: November 30, 2023


  • 🔲 st.container and st.form now have a border parameter to show or hide a border.
  • 🐍 Streamlit supports Python 3.12!

Notable Changes

  • st.dataframe, st.data_editor, and st.table support datetime.timedelta values (#7689, #4489).
  • 💀 Streamlit apps preload skeleton elements for a smoother appearance when initializing (#7598).
  • 🏃 Reduced the overhead of running AppTest-simulated apps, especially for fast-running apps (#7691).
  • 🛁 String representations of AppTest data are improved for a better testing and debugging experience (#7658).
  • 🔢 Apps can be configured to identify Enum classes as the same if they have matching member names (#7408, #4909). Thanks, Asaurus1!
  • ❌ The "Made with Streamlit" footer no longer appears at the bottom of apps (#7583).
  • 🧹 Unused config options have been deprecated (#7584).
  • 🕳️ Query parameters can be empty (#7601, #7416).
  • 💅 Visual tweaks (#7592, #7630).

Other Changes

  • 🦗 Bug fix: Convert floats to bytes instead of hashing to avoid hashing instability (#7754). Thanks, BlackHC!
  • 🦎 Bug fix: Corrected broken URLs and typos in error messages (#7746, #7764, #7770). Thanks, ObservedObserver!
  • 🐌 Bug fix: st.connection correctly caches results when using two connections of the same type (#7730, #7709).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Using context managers with multithreading now displays content in the expected order (#7715, #7668). Thanks, eric-skydio!
  • 🦂 Bug fix: Added https fallback when obtaining the host machine's address (#7712, #7703). Thanks, LarsHill!
  • 🛡️ Bug fix: Added security patch for pyarrow vulnerability. Custom components using pyarrow table deserialization should require pyarrow>=14.0.1 (#7695, #7700).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Improved typing for st.connection (#7671). Thanks, thezanke!
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Retries of SnowflakeConnection methods are narrowed to only occur with transient errors to avoid unnecessary repeated errors (#7645, #7637).
  • 🏗️ Removed the v0 testing framework which was undocumented (#7657).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: The navigation expander arrow no longer disappears (#7634, #7547).
  • ❄️ Improved the error message for SnowflakeConnection when a configuration is not found (#7652).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: st.rerun no longer causes a RecursionError when used with st.chat_input (#7643, #7629).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: st.file_uploader no longer causes an extra rerun and therefore doesn't conflict with st.chat_input (#7641, #7556).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: AppTest no longer raises an error when encountering st.container (#7644, #7636).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Graphviz charts scale correctly when exiting fullscreen view (#7398, #7527).
  • 🎥 Bug fix: "Record a screencast" is hidden when known to be unsupported in a browser (#7604).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Increased the top padding of embedded apps to better display the dataframe toolbar (#7681, #7609, #7607).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: st.rerun uses NoReturn for improved type checking (#7422) Thanks, kongzii.

Release date: October 26, 2023

Release videos


  • 🧪 Introducing a new testing framework for Streamlit apps! Check out our documentation to learn how to build automated tests for your apps.
  • 💻 Announcing the general availability of st.connection, a command to conveniently manage connections in Streamlit apps. Check out the docs to learn more.
  • ❄️ SnowparkConnection has been upgraded to the new and improved SnowflakeConnection — the same, great functionality plus more! Check out our built-in connections.
  • 🛠️ st.dataframe and st.data_editor have a new toolbar! Users can search and download data in addition to enjoying improved UI for row additions and deletions. See our updated guide on Dataframes.

Notable Changes

  • 🌀 When using a spinner with cached functions, the spinner will be overlaid instead of pushing content down (#7488).
  • 📅 st.data_editor now supports datetime index editing (#7483).
  • 🔢 Improved support for decimal.Decimal in st.dataframe and st.data_editor (#7475).
  • 🥸 Global kwargs were added for hashlib (#7527, #7526). Thanks, DueViktor!
  • 📋 st.components.v1.iframe now permits writing to clipboard (#7487). Thanks, dilipthakkar!
  • 📝 SafeSessionState disconnect was replaced with script runner yield points for improved efficiency and clarity (#7373).
  • 🤖 The Langchain callback handler will show the full input string inside the body of a st.status when the input string is too long to show as a label (#7478). Thanks, pokidyshev!
  • 📈 st.graphviz_chart now supports using different Graphviz layout engines (#7505, #4089).
  • 🦋 Assorted visual tweaks (#7486, #7592).
  • 📊 plotly.js was upgraded to version 2.26.1 (#7449, #7476, #7045).
  • 💽 Legacy serialization for DataFrames was removed. All DataFrames will be serialized by Apache Arrow (#7429).
  • 🖼️ Compatibility for Pillow 10.x was added (#7442).
  • 📬 Migrated _stcore/allowed-message-origins endpoint to _stcore/host-config (#7342).
  • 💬 Added post_parent_message platform command to send custom messages from a Streamlit app to its parent window (#7522).

Other Changes

  • ⌨️ Improved string dtype handling for DataFrames (#7479).
  • ✒️ st.write will avoid using unsafe_allow_html=True if possible (#7432).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Implementation of st.expander was simplified for improved behavior and consistency (#7247, #2839, #4111, #4651, #5604).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: Multipage links in the sidebar are now aligned with other sidebar elements (#7531).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: st.chat_input won't incorrectly prompt for label parameter in IDEs (#7560).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Scroll bars correctly overlay st.dataframe and st.data_editor without adding empty space (#7090, #6888).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: st.chat_message behaves correctly with the removal of AutoSizer (#7504, #7473).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Anchor links are reliably produced for non-English headers (#7454, #5291).
  • ☃️ Bug fix: st.connections.SnowparkConnection more accurately detects when it's running within Streamlit in Snowflake (#7502).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: A user-friendly warning is shown when exceeding the size limitations of a pandas Styler object (#7497, #5953).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: st.data_editor automatically converts non-string column names to strings (#7485, #6950).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: st.data_editor correctly identifies non-range indices as a required column (#7481, #6995).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: st.file_uploader displays compound file extensions like csv.gz correctly (#7362). Thanks, mo42!
  • 🦂 Bug fix: Column Configuration no longer uses deprecated type checks (#7496, #7477, #7550). Thanks, c-bik!
  • 🦗 Bug fix: Additional toolbar items no longer stack vertically (#7470, #7471).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Column Configuration no longer causes a type warning in Mypy (#7457). Thanks, kopp!
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Bokeh Sliders no longer cause JavaScript errors (#7441, #7171).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: Caching now recognizes DataFrames with the same values but different column names as different (#7331, #7086).

Release date: September 21, 2023


  • ✨ Introducing st.scatter_chart — a new, simple chart element to build scatter charts Streamlit-y fast and easy! See our documentation.
  • 🔗 Introducing st.link_button! Want to open an external link in a new tab with a bit more pizazz than a plain-text link? Check out our documentation to see how.
  • 🏃 Announcing the general availability of st.rerun, a command to interrupt your script and trigger an immediate rerun.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • 🐛 Bug fix: st.multiselect now shows a correct message when no result matches a user's search (#7205, #7116).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.experimental_user now defaults to (#7219, #7215).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: st.slider labels don't overlap when small ranges are selected (#7221, #3385).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Type-checking correctly identifies all string types to avoid hashing errors (#7255, #6455).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: JSON is parsed with JSON5 to avoid errors from null values when using st.pydeck_chart (#7256, #5799).
  • 🕷️ Bug fix: Identical widgets on different pages are correctly interpreted by Streamlit as distinct (#7264, #6146).
  • 🦋 Bug fix: Visual tweaks to widgets for responsive behavior (#7145).
  • 🪳 Bug fix: SVGs are accurately displayed (#7183, #3882).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: correctly updates with changes to start_time (#7257, #7126).
  • 🦠 Bug fix: Additional error handling was added to st.session_state (#7280, #7206).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: correctly refreshes with new data (#7307, #7294).
  • 🦂 Bug fix: The decorative app header line is no longer covered by the sidebar (#7297, #6264).
  • 🦗 Bug fix: st.code no longer triggers a CachedStFunctionWarning (#7306, #7055).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: st.download_button no longer resets with different data (#7316, #7308).
  • 🐌 Bug fix: Widgets consistently recognize user interaction while a page is still running, with or without fastRerun enabled (#7283, #6643).
  • 🦎 Bug fix: st.tabs was improved to better handle and render conditionally appearing tabs (#7287, #7310, #5454, #7040).

Release date: August 24, 2023


  • 🤖 Introducing st.status to display output from long-running processes and external API calls (#7140). Works great with st.chat_message! See our documentation for how to use this feature.
  • 🚥 Introducing st.toggle — an alternative to st.checkbox when you need an on/off switch.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • 🍞 Bug fix: Toast messages are no longer blocked by st.chat_input (#7204, #7115).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Widget IDs are now stable to prevent inconsistent statefulness (#7003).
  • 🦟 Bug fix: Browser autofill is correctly recognized within forms now (#7150, #7101, #7084).
  • 🪱 Bug fix: st.file_uploader no longer causes session state to reset when a websocket connection is dropped and reconnected (#7149, #7025).
  • 🏎️ Bug fix: Pydeck JSON data is cached for improved performance (#7113, #5532).
  • 🦋 Bug fix: st.chat_input no longer submits prematurely while typing with an input method editor (#6993).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: Label backgrounds for st.tabs are now transparent (#7070, #5707).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Page width is no longer ignored when using the help parameter in st.button (#7033, #6161).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Tweaked Altair color specification for improved visibility in dark mode (#7061, #3343).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.chat_message can correctly use local images as avatars (#7130).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Specified that MD5 is not used for security (#7122, #7120).
  • 🪄 Bug fix: Async function docstrings are ignored by Streamlit magic (#7143, #7137).

Release date: July 20, 2023


  • 🍞 Introducing st.toast — a command to briefly show toast messages to users in the bottom-right corner of apps. See our documentation on how to use this feature.

Notable Changes

  • 🗺️ now has parameters for latitude, longitude, color, and size to customize data points (#6896).
  • 🚩 st.multiselect supports setting placeholders and specifying the maximum number of selections via the placeholder and max_selections keyword-only arguments, respectively (#6901, #4750). Thanks, @fhiroki!
  • 📅 Customize the date format for st.date_input with the format parameter (#6974, #5234).
  • ↩️ Forms can now be submitted with Enter/Return while inside st.text_input, st.number_input, or st.text_area (#6911, #3790).
  • 🍢 The app menu icon in the upper-right corner of apps has been changed from "" to "" (#6947).

Other Changes

  • ⛓️ Minimum required versions increased for multiple Python dependencies, including numpy>=1.19.3 and pandas>=1.3.0 (#6802).
  • 🛡️ protobufjs was bumped from 7.2.1 to 7.2.4 (#6959).
  • ✨ Visual design tweaks to Streamlit's input widgets (#6944).
  • 🦋 Bug Fix: st.slider now accepts general number types like numpy.int64 instead of just int and float (#6816, #6815). Thanks, @milliams!
  • 🐜 Bug Fix: Data labels for st.slider and st.select_slider no longer overflow when inside st.expander (#6828, #6297).
  • 🐛 Bug Fix: Elements no longer re-render from scratch with each rerun (#6923, #6920).
  • 🐞 Bug Fix: st.data_editor hashes styler objects correctly for stability across reruns (#6815, #6898).
  • 🐝 Bug Fix: Fixed the padding for embedded apps using st.chat_input to prevent messages being cutoff (#6979).

Release date: June 27, 2023


  • 💬 Introducing st.chat_message and st.chat_input — two new chat elements that let you build conversational apps. Learn how to use these features in your LLM-powered chat apps in our tutorial.
  • 💾 Streamlit's caching decorators now allow you to customize Streamlit's hashing of input parameters with the keyword-only argument hash_funcs.

Notable Changes

  • 🐍 We've deprecated support for Python 3.7 in the core library and Streamlit Community Cloud (#6868).
  • 📅 st.cache_data and st.cache_resource can hash timezone-aware datetime objects (#6812, #6690, #5110).

Other Changes

  • ✨ Visual design tweaks to Streamlit's input widgets (#6817).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: st.write pretty-prints dataclasses using (#6750).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.button's height is consistent with that of other widgets (#6738).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Upgraded the react-range frontend dependency to fix the memory usage of sliders (#6764, #5436). Thanks @wolfd!
  • 🐝 Bug fix: Pydantic validators no longer result in exceptions on app reruns (#6664, #3218).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: streamlit config show honors newlines (#6758, #2868).
  • 🪰 Bug fix: Fixed a race condition to ensure Streamlit reruns the latest code when the file changes (#6884).
  • 🦋 Bug fix: Apps no longer rerun when users click anchor links (#6834, #6500).
  • 🕸️ Bug fix: Added robust out-of-bounds checks for min_value and max_value in st.number_input (#6847, #6797).

Release date: June 1, 2023


  • ✂️ Announcing the general availability of st.data_editor, a widget that allows you to edit DataFrames and many other data structures in a table-like UI. Breaking change: the data editor's representation used in st.session_state was altered. Find out more about the new format in Access edited data.
  • ⚙️ Introducing the Column configuration API with a suite of methods to configure the display and editing behavior of st.dataframe and st.data_editor columns (e.g. their title, visibility, type, or format). Keep an eye out for a detailed blog post and in-depth documentation upcoming in the next two weeks.
  • 🔌 Learn to use st.experimental_connection to create and manage data connections in your apps with the new Connecting to data docs and video tutorial.

Notable Changes

  • 📊 Streamlit now supports Protobuf 4 and Altair 5 (#6215, #6618, #5626, #6622).
  • ☎️ st.dataframe and st.data_editor can hide index columns with hide_index, specify the display order of columns with column_order, and disable editing for individual columns with the disabled parameter.
  • ⏱️ The ttl parameter in st.cache_data and st.cache_resource accepts formatted strings, so you can simply say ttl="30d", ttl="1h30m" and any other combination of w, d, h, m, s supported by Pandas's Timedelta constructor (#6560).
  • 📂 st.file_uploader now interprets the type parameter more accurately. For example, "jpg" or ".jpg" now accept both "jpg" and "jpeg" extensions. This functionality has also been extended to "mpeg/mpg", "tiff/tif", "html/htm", and "mpeg4/mp4".
  • 🤫 The new global.disableWidgetStateDuplicationWarning configuration option allows the silencing of warnings triggered by setting widget default values and keyed session state values concurrently (#3605, #6640). Thanks, @antonAce!

Other Changes

  • 🏃‍♀️Improved startup time by lazy loading some dependencies (#6531).
  • 👋 Removed st.beta_* and st.experimental_show due to deprecation and low-use (#6558)
  • 🚀 Further improvements to st.dataframe and st.data_editor:
    • Improved editing on mobile devices for the data editor (#6548).
    • All editable columns have an icon in their column header and support tooltips (#6550, #6561).
    • Enable editing for columns containing datetime, date, or time values (#6025).
    • New input validation options for columns in the data editor, such as max_chars and validate for text columns, and min_value, max_value and step for number columns (#6563).
    • Improved type parsing capabilities in the data editor (#6551).
    • Unified missing values to None in returned data structures (#6544).
    • A warning is shown in cells when integers exceed the maximum safe value of (2^53) -1 (#6311, #6549).
    • Prevented editing the sessions state by showing a warning (#6634).
    • Fixed issues with list columns sometimes breaking the frontend (#6644).
    • Fixed a display issue with index columns using category dtype (#6680, #6598).
    • Fixed an issue that prevented a rerun when adding empty rows (#6598).
    • Unified the behavior between st.data_editor and st.dataframe related to auto-hiding the index column(s) based on the input data (#6659, #6598)
  • 🛡️ Streamlit's Security Policy can be found in its GitHub repository (#6666).
  • 🤏 Documented the integer size limit for st.number_input and st.slider (#6724).
  • 🐍 The majority of Streamlit's Python dependencies have set a maximum allowable version, with the standard upper limit set to the next major version, but not inclusive of it (#6691).
  • 💅 UI design improvements to in-app modals (#6688).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: st.date_input's date selector is equally visible in dark mode (#6072, #6630).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: the sidebar navigation expansion indicator in multipage apps is restored (#6731).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: The docstring and exception message for st.set_page_config have been updated to clarify that this command can be invoked once for each page within a multipage app, rather than once per entire app (#6594).
  • 🐝 Bug fix: st.json no longer collapses multiple spaces in both keys and values with single space when rendered (#6657, #6663).

Release date: April 27, 2023


  • 🔌 Introducing st.experimental_connection: Easily connect your app to data sources and APIs using our new connection feature. Find more details in the API reference, and stay tuned for an upcoming blog post and in-depth documentation! In the meantime, explore our updated MySQL and Snowflake connection tutorials for examples of this feature.

Notable Changes

  • 🐼 Streamlit now supports Pandas 2.0 (#6413, #6378, #6507). Thanks, connortann!
  • 🍔 Customize the visibility of items in the toolbar, options menu, and the settings dialog using the client.toolbarMode config option (#6174).
  • 🪵 Streamlit logs now reside in the "streamlit" namespace instead of the root logger, enabling app developers to better manage log handling (#3978, #6377).

Other Changes

  • 🔏 CLI parameters can no longer be used to set sensitive configuration values (#6376).
  • 🤖 Improved the debugging experience by reducing log noise (#6391).
  • 🐞 Bug fix: @st.cache_data decorated functions support UUID objects as parameters (#6440, #6459).
  • 🐛 Bug fix: Tabbing through buttons and other elements now displays a red border only when focused, not when clicked (#6373).
  • 🪲 Bug fix: st.multiselect's clear icon is larger and includes a hover effect (#6471).
  • 🐜 Bug fix: Custom theme font settings no longer apply to code blocks (#6484, #6535).
  • ©️ Bug fix: st.code's copy-to-clipboard button appears when you hover on code blocks (#6490, #6498).

Are you curious about older versions? To see older release notes, see Release notes (historical).


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