Display a short message, known as a notification "toast".

The toast appears in the app's bottom-right corner and disappears after four seconds.


st.toast is not compatible with Streamlit's caching and cannot be called within a cached function.

Function signature[source]

st.toast(body, *, icon=None)


body (str)

The string to display as GitHub-flavored Markdown. Syntax information can be found at: https://github.github.com/gfm.

See the body parameter of st.markdown for additional, supported Markdown directives.

icon (str, None)

An optional emoji or icon to display next to the alert. If icon is None (default), no icon is displayed. If icon is a string, the following options are valid:

  • A single-character emoji. For example, you can set icon="🚨" or icon="πŸ”₯". Emoji short codes are not supported.

  • An icon from the Material Symbols library (rounded style) in the format ":material/icon_name:" where "icon_name" is the name of the icon in snake case.

    For example, icon=":material/thumb_up:" will display the Thumb Up icon. Find additional icons in the Material Symbols font library.


import streamlit as st

st.toast('Your edited image was saved!', icon='😍')

When multiple toasts are generated, they will stack. Hovering over a toast will stop it from disappearing. When hovering ends, the toast will disappear after four more seconds.

import streamlit as st import time if st.button('Three cheers'): st.toast('Hip!') time.sleep(.5) st.toast('Hip!') time.sleep(.5) st.toast('Hooray!', icon='πŸŽ‰')

Toast messages can also be updated. Assign st.toast(my_message) to a variable and use the .toast() method to update it. Note: if a toast has already disappeared or been dismissed, the update will not be seen.

import streamlit as st import time def cook_breakfast(): msg = st.toast('Gathering ingredients...') time.sleep(1) msg.toast('Cooking...') time.sleep(1) msg.toast('Ready!', icon = "πŸ₯ž") if st.button('Cook breakfast'): cook_breakfast()

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