Display a graph using the dagre-d3 library.

Function signature[source]

st.graphviz_chart(figure_or_dot, use_container_width=False)


figure_or_dot (graphviz.dot.Graph, graphviz.dot.Digraph, graphviz.sources.Source, str)

The Graphlib graph object or dot string to display

use_container_width (bool)

Whether to override the figure's native width with the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is False (default), Streamlit sets the width of the chart to fit its contents according to the plotting library, up to the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is True, Streamlit sets the width of the figure to match the width of the parent container.


import streamlit as st
import graphviz

# Create a graphlib graph object
graph = graphviz.Digraph()
graph.edge("run", "intr")
graph.edge("intr", "runbl")
graph.edge("runbl", "run")
graph.edge("run", "kernel")
graph.edge("kernel", "zombie")
graph.edge("kernel", "sleep")
graph.edge("kernel", "runmem")
graph.edge("sleep", "swap")
graph.edge("swap", "runswap")
graph.edge("runswap", "new")
graph.edge("runswap", "runmem")
graph.edge("new", "runmem")
graph.edge("sleep", "runmem")


Or you can render the chart from the graph using GraphViz's Dot language:

    digraph {
        run -> intr
        intr -> runbl
        runbl -> run
        run -> kernel
        kernel -> zombie
        kernel -> sleep
        kernel -> runmem
        sleep -> swap
        swap -> runswap
        runswap -> new
        runswap -> runmem
        new -> runmem
        sleep -> runmem

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