Creating multipage apps using the pages/ directory

The most customizable method for declaring multipage apps is using Page and navigation. However, Streamlit also provides a frictionless way to create multipage apps where pages are automatically recognized and shown in a navigation widget inside your app's sidebar. This method uses the pages/ directory.

This page assumes you understand the Page terminology presented in the overview.

When you use the pages/ directory, Streamlit identifies pages in your multipage app by directory structure and filenames. Your entrypoint file (the file you pass to streamlit run), is your app's homepage. When you have a pages/ directory next to your entrypoint file, Streamlit will identify each Python file within it as a page. The following example has three pages. is the entrypoint file and homepage.

your_working_directory/ ├── pages/ │ ├── │ └── └──

Run your multipage app just like you would for a single-page app. Pass your entrypoint file to streamlit run.

streamlit run

Only .py files in the pages/ directory will be identified as pages. Streamlit ignores all other files in the pages/ directory and its subdirectories. Streamlit also ignores Python files in subdirectories of pages/.



If you call st.navigation in your app (in any session), Streamlit will switch to using the newer, Page-and-navigation multipage structure. In this case, the pages/ directory will be ignored across all sessions. You will not be able to revert back to the pages/ directory unless you restart you app.

See the overview to understand how Streamlit assigns Automatic page labels and URLs based on the number, separator, identifier, and ".py" extension that constitute a filename.

The entrypoint file is always displayed first. The remaining pages are sorted as follows:

  • Files that have a number appear before files without a number.
  • Files are sorted based on the number (if any), followed by the label (if any).
  • When files are sorted, Streamlit treats the number as an actual number rather than a string. So 03 is the same as 3.

This table shows examples of filenames and their corresponding labels, sorted by the order in which they appear in the sidebar.


FilenameRendered label
1 - first page.pyfirst page
12 monkeys.pymonkeys
123_hello_dear_world.pyhello dear world
_12 monkeys.py12 monkeys


Emojis can be used to make your page names more fun! For example, a file named 🏠 will create a page titled "🏠 Home" in the sidebar. When adding emojis to filenames, it’s best practice to include a numbered prefix to make autocompletion in your terminal easier. Terminal-autocomplete can get confused by unicode (which is how emojis are represented).

  • Pages support run-on-save.

    • When you update a page while your app is running, this causes a rerun for users currently viewing that exact page.
    • When you update a page while your app is running, the app will not automatically rerun for users currently viewing a different page.
  • While your app is running, adding or deleting a page updates the sidebar navigation immediately.

  • st.set_page_config works at the page level.

    • When you set title or favicon using st.set_page_config, this applies to the current page only.
    • When you set layout using st.set_page_config, the setting will remain for the session until changed by another call to st.set_page_config. If you use st.set_page_config to set layout, it's recommended to call it on all pages.
  • Pages share the same Python modules globally:

    # import foo foo.hello = 123 # import foo st.write(foo.hello) # If page1 already executed, this writes 123
  • Pages share the same st.session_state:

    # import streamlit as st if "shared" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["shared"] = True # import streamlit as st st.write(st.session_state["shared"]) # If page1 already executed, this writes True

You now have a solid understanding of multipage apps. You've learned how to structure apps, define pages, and navigate between pages in the user interface. It's time to create your first multipage app! 🥳


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