Create a custom component and register it if there is a ScriptRunContext.

The component is not registered when there is no ScriptRunContext. This can happen when a CustomComponent is executed as standalone command (e.g. for testing).

To use this function, import it from the streamlit.components.v1 module.


Using st.components.v1.declare_component directly (instead of importing its module) is deprecated and will be disallowd in a later version.

Function signature[source]

st.components.v1.declare_component(name, path=None, url=None)


name (str)

A short, descriptive name for the component, like "slider".

path (str or None)

The path to serve the component's frontend files from. If path is None (default), Streamlit will server the component from the location in url. Either path or url must be specified, but not both.

url (str or None)

The URL that the component is served from. If url is None (default), Streamlit will server the component from the location in path. Either path or url must be specified, but not both.



A CustomComponent that can be called like a function. Calling the component will create a new instance of the component in the Streamlit app.


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